Extraordinary Pair
Because you refused to cut your hair,
And because I refused to grow any,
We were a most extraordinary pair.
We had our strengths and our shortcomings–
Our great gifts and great needs;
We were who we were.
I could see near and far;
You couldn’t see past your nose.
So when we travelled through distant lands,
I led the way.
And when it came time to sleep,
You laid down your locks
And we slept on a soft bed under the stars,
Cushioned from the coarse ground below.
On Tuesdays
I’d wash your waves in a stream,
Spread your mane across a meadow to dry,
And rest in your arms to watch the clouds drift by.
When my shoelace snapped,
You sat at my feet,
Pulled three hairs from your temple,
And braided me a new one.
One time when I was cold
You wrapped your hair around me tight
And I felt warm again.
And one time when you were warm
I pulled all your hair into a great knot on your elbow,
And you felt cool again.
When we got older and couldn’t travel anymore
We spent hours staring into the great countryside,
Wrapped in each other.
Because you refused to cut your hair,
And because I refused to grow any,
We were a most extraordinary pair.
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Larry Neumann Jr
February 5, 2013 at 3:30 pm //
What a lovely pair they are…love…think of you often…
Elizabeth Francisco
February 8, 2013 at 9:43 pm //
Black and Red; how fitting. And an extraordinary picture and poem.