2013 Monster Resolutions
1. Eat healthier (children.)
2. Grow larger eyebrows.
3. Write one haiku a day:
Meatloaf on the walls
And ketchup on the ceiling–
My plan for Thursday.
4. Take a class in advanced spooking methods.
5. Be more appreciative of neglectful parents.
6. Finish the quilt already!
7. Videotape really good scarings and post them on youtube.
8. Floss more often (with rotten spaghetti.)
9. Remember to take the batteries out of the night-lights in the bathrooms.
10. Audition for a musical!
11. BELIEVE in your scariness!
January 2, 2013 at 11:03 pm //
12. Leave drool on more pillows
Happy New Year!
February 10, 2013 at 3:59 am //